Luther King, 20, from Memphis, TN, fell in love with design at age 10 while drawing high-heeled shoes. "I'm not into fashion," King says, "I live a fashionable lifestyle. I want to give the world the most diverse label that glorifies my Savior." His diverse looks are a form of personal expression he feels bring praise to the God who created him "so uniquely."
“There is something so beautiful and mysterious about plants,” said Eva Ross, a 20-year-old WKU student from Taylor Mill, Ky. “I find them relatable to us; they tell us how we go through seasons of change, of life and death.” Ross studies horticulture at Western Kentucky University and spends a considerable amount of time with her hands in the soil. Her fingertips not only nurture young plant life, but a multitude of melodies from the strumming of guitar strings. Ross, an aspirant solo musician, plays a variety of venues - from living rooms to coffee shops – sharing the sounds she herself has concocted throughout her career as a songwriter.

Erika Busse is a professional painter, artist and published illustrator.

"Outer space is expansive. No matter how much humanity learns about it we'll never know it in full." April English, 2016.

An artist of many mediums, Finland native and Louisville, Ky., resident Marjaleena Pihlajamaki, 59, finds that most of her creativity comes from laying in bed. “The TV is on, the music is loud, the cat is laying right down there and my easel is right in front of me,” Pihlajamaki said. “I’m most creative when I’m most comfortable.” Since moving to the Derby City, her art forms have expanded to hat and jewelry creations, which she sells in a small Bardstown Road storefront.

Monte Durham of “Say Yes to the Dress” in the Galt House, Louisville, KY.
Andrew DesRochers in Newport, Rhode Island.
London Chandler, sophomore theatre student from Louisville, Ky.,has invested a considerable amount of time and patience into the discovery of her own identity – a beautiful and complex progressive realization. “I feel that all the time was spent trying to put myself somewhere I didn’t belong,” Chandler explained. “Now I’m finally listening and allowing God to place me somewhere that’s for me. That somewhere is who I am – which holds great beauty.”