Quito, Ecuador - A protest in the heart of the historic downtown of the capital city photographed for the Pachaysana Institute of Quito.

Burkina Faso, West Africa.
Patrick Forbes, 10, watches from the dugout as his teammates walk out on the eld to shake hands with their competitors after a game on May 4, 2016. As one of the youngest and smallest boys on the team, Patrick works hard to live up to his father’s expectations. His father, Lukas Forbes is an athletics enthusiast, and his love for sports has been a major drive in his life since childhood. Now, as a father, Lukas encourages his son Patrick, age 10, to strive for the same athletic excellence he once did. He coaches Patrick’s Little League team, the Marlins, and wants to see his child succeed.
Chimaltenango, Guatemala.
New Year's Eve in Times Square, New York City
Casa del Arbol, Baños, Ecuador.
Salamanca, Spain.
Segovia, Spain.
Rosa María Caíza relaxes outside her home in the village of Salasaka, Ecuador. Caíza lived in the same home in the small village-town in the mountainous region of the country for her entire life.
Chimaltenango, Guatemala. Photographed on assignment for Open Door Ministries.
Chimaltenango, Guatemala. Photographed on assignment for Open Door Ministries.
Village of Salasaka, Ecuador.
An acclaimed author of magic spells and renowned psychic, Tish Owen is an expert in the unknown. After a long journey to understand her own spirituality, Owen studied the ancient magik arts and adopted a pagan faith, eventually leading her to open her own magik store, Goddess and the Moon. Now, 25 years later, Owen specializes in psychic readings and past life regression hypnosis, counseling both everyday curious minds and anonymous celebrities in her reading room. She is "in tune with herself and the universe," and expresses that energy in a way she feels betters the world community at large.
Quito, Ecuador - A protest in the heart of the historic downtown of the capital city photographed for the Pachaysana Institute of Quito.
John Atkerson has wanted to run a greenhouse for over 25 years. Two years ago, after 20 years of working in commercial real estate, his dreams were realized and he became owner of Three Lions Garden Center in Bowling Green, Ky. He now runs the garden center himself, with the help of his family.
Village of Salasaka, Ecuador.
Ghana, West Africa
Chimaltenango, Guatemala. Photographed on assignment for Open Door Ministries.
Quito, Ecuador.
Village of Salasaka, Ecuador.
Village of Salasaka, Ecuador.
Chimaltenango, Guatemala.
Flower merchants share a private conversation at their street mercantile - Cuenca, Ecuador.
Chimaltenango, Guatemala. Photographed on assignment for Open Door Ministries.

During his nightly visit to El Mercadito in Bowling Green, Ky, José Saldano, an undocument immigrant from El Salvador, greets a counter clerk. Nelson said the only times he leaves his home during a normal week are to buy food at the store, or to work.
Burkina Faso, West Africa.
Salamanca, Spain.
Malibu Beach, California
Chicago, Illinois.
Quito, Ecuador - A protest in the heart of the historic downtown of the capital city photographed for the Pachaysana Institute of Quito.
Village of Salasaka, Ecuador.
Village of Tamale, Ghana, West Africa.
Baños, Ecuador.
Montreal, Canada.
Village of Salasaka, Ecuador. Women make useable yarn from harvested sheep's wool that will later be made into traditional ponchos.
Baños, Ecuador.
Otavalo, Ecuador.
Atacames, Ecuador.
Tamale, Ghana, West Africa.
Tamale, Ghana, West Africa